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Welcome to my original music page! (This page is temporary until I give it a page of its own, hehe...) Here you'll find a nice little collection of songs I've created using FL Studio 20! :D
I use a collection of plugins and instruments to make music. Mainly it's GMS, Sawer, Poizone, Morphine, as well as some soundfonts on occassion!
created: april 7, 2024Special Friends
created: march 20, 2024Ubiquitous Citrus
created: march 17, 2024My Name is Trouper
created: february 29, 2024Circle of Dough
created: november 25, 2023Stranded On a Star
created: november 21, 2023Sweatpants
created: november 9, 2023Rodents in Space
created: october 14, 2023Cheese Pleeze
created: october 13, 2023Rubber Gloves
created: october 12, 2023Two Lazy
created: october 10, 2023Toasty Hotdawg
created: october 8, 2023Soapy Water
created: october 7, 2023Cozy Carousel
created: october 1, 2023
All music on this page was created by © prismatic-realm.net
Questions? Email me!