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Layouts / Graphics
- background masterpost - Background collection on codepen
- anime zine archive - Anime zine archive... goldmine...
- windows icon archive - Archive of old windows icons made into gifs!
- gifcity - A carrd that has a lot of neat graphics!
- dead-teddybears - Xanga layout inspiration
- soundless-words - Xanga layout tutorial!
- createblog - Archive of nostalgic web theme codes
- lovelyd - Nostalgic themes, as well as other free graphics
Web Development
- vscode themes - VSCode themes galore! They let you preview the theme with different coding languages, as well as link you directly to the marketplace to get them :)
- tinytools - This is a list of small, free, or experimental tools that might be useful in building your game / website / interactive project.
- quickref - Cheatsheets for just about every coding language, as well as keyboard shortcuts for a lot of programs!
- neumorphism - neumorphism (soft ui) generator
- codesies rentry - Rentry masterpost of all sorts of code snippets
- jqueryui - Easy to implement jquery ui that can make your page look fun
- GRID - CSS Grid cheat sheet
- codebeautify - Code beautifier to make your code easier to read
- hscripts - A large collection ranging from code snippets, tutorials, and web tools
- discourse - Very long list of various web development and code resources
- imgbb - Image hosting website
- catbox - File hosting website
- imagebam - Another image hosting website
- objgen - Live code generator (JSON & HTML) that automatically inputs the codes as you type!
- AWESOME - Large organized github repo full of (only the best) recommended stuff by other contributors!
- customizable audio player - A customizable audio player to put on your page!
Useful Tools
- caesium - Easy image compressor online
- birme - Bulk crop & rename your images!
- wordmark.it - Visually see all of your installed local fonts on a bigger scale
- delim - Delimit items with this tool, wrap them with a tag or wrap each one with their own
- uigradients - A bunch of cool gradients!
- ditherit - Easy image dithering tool!
- dithermark - Another dithering tool, though it looks like there are a lot more options
- dither me this - GUESS WHAT THIS IS
- sort by color - Sort images by color (it actually works, and it's so cool...)
- piclog - Make a piclog of extremely compressed images for fun
- FMHY! (free media heck yeah!) - The largest collection of free stuff on the internet!
- jspaint - Oldschool MSPaint in your own browser
- gpx plus - Hatch your own Pokemon team from eggs and level them up!
- dragcave - Hatch dragon eggs and help them grow!
Writing / Art / Creative
- itchi-up - A website with Japanese tutorials on how to draw in an anime style
- springhole - Springhole has a big list of generators for character building, but also a ton of other things in the links at the top of their page
- film grab - HIGH quality screenshots/photography from films!